Sunita Gordon, Marian James and Barry Lewis

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Butter Hill traffic calming

by Sunita Gordon on 2 January, 2011

Your hard working ward councillors are pleased to report that action is being taken in getting a solution to the traffic problems in Butter Hill. As residents of the Elms estate will be only too aware, traffic can be very busy and chaotic at times along Butter Hill. Most notable is the chaos caused at the narrowest part near the exit onto Manor Road North where irresponsible drivers mount the footpath putting pedestrians’ lives at risk. 

This is not a good situation and residents, quite rightly, need and deserve solution. We are working hard with residents to get a solution put in place. Part of that is the setting up of a residents working group that will meet with councillors and council officers.  At a recent meeting of the Beddington & Wallington Local Committee, your ward councillors got allocated a sum of money to commission a consultant to undertake a traffic modelling exercise along Butter Hill. Consideration will be given to various schemes by the consultant once the modelling exercise starts in the New Year.  The consultants report will be used to support the Council’s bid to Transport for London, for funds to progress a scheme to implementation. Additionally, the conclusions of the report will also be presented to a future meeting of your Beddington & Wallington Local Committee, most probably in March. Currently the bridge works on London Road are causing more traffic than normal to use Butter Hill and so any findings reported on now would be incorrect and may jeopardize the bid to TfL to fund the proposed solution. We fully appreciate that this may appear to be a delay to the process, but the modelling and bid to TfL have to be right!  We will continue to keep residents informed of the project’s progress.

Contact details: – Tel 020 8770 4526

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