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by Sunita Gordon on 7 February, 2014
You are invited to take part in the conversation about the future of the NHS in Sutton…register your views by the end of February 2014
The Call to Action programme of engagement is a combination of national, regional and locally-run events, the proposed outcome of which is intended to be used to shape a broad vision for the NHS and identify what NHS England should do nationally and CCGs locally to drive service change. A Call to Action is designed to complement and further support the work CCGs have already accomplished and to support patient and public engagement in effective strategic planning.
The feedback we receive will be used to inform both Sutton CCGs commissioning plans and also our strategic plan for Sutton so we can build an NHS fit for the future.
My Health London Dialogue App
Dr Brendan Hudson, Chair, NHS Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group explains why and how you should get involved.
More needs to be done – our health and care services need to radically change to better meet the needs of Londoners, including those people living in the Borough of Sutton because;
To do this, we need to ask questions such as; how we can improve the quality of NHS care in Sutton? How can we meet everyone’s health needs?What must we do to build an excellent NHS now and for future generations? How can we do this with less or a reduced pot of money?
How can our partners/stakeholders get involved? As part of our response to this, Sutton CCG is engaging in a conversation with those
people who live in Sutton and use local NHS health services as well as key partners and stakeholders through existing events, engagement work, social media and news media. We are also going to be planning a bigger event for patients, the public and our partners early next year.
We are encouraging all of our partners and stakeholders to get involved and join in the conversation by adding their ideas and suggestions to the dedicated online space and by distributing the link to this within their organisation. We need all views by the end of February 2014 so that it can be used to help us develop our plan.
My Health London Dialogue App
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