Sunita Gordon, Marian James and Barry Lewis

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Sutton Council’s fast response to the Wallington flash flood

by Sunita Gordon on 10 June, 2016

Sutton Council worked with the Environment Agency, Thames Water and the emergency services to clear the centre of Wallington following the flash flood there on the afternoon of Tuesday 7 June.

An intense thunderstorm at 2pm saw almost one month’s rain (3.5cm or 1.4 inches) fall across the borough in an hour. An average of 4.9cm (1.9 inches) of rain normally falls during the whole of June.

Around 2m (6ft 5 inches) of floodwater quickly filled up the low-lying area near the railway bridge at Manor Road in Wallington town centre and the drivers of three cars needed to be rescued.

Sutton Council’s highways contractor was quickly on site and began to pump and lower the amount of floodwater on Manor Road. The Metropolitan Police closed part of the A237 and a Local Authority Liaison Officer co-ordinated with the emergency services to remove the vehicles and clear up after the flooding.

As a Lead Local Flood Authority, Sutton Council is responsible for managing flood risk from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. The Environment Agency is responsible for flood protection from canals and rivers, and Thames Water is responsible for the drains and sewerage system. Plans are in place to identify any ongoing flood risk.

Sutton residents concerned about flood risk should visit the Environment Agency website for updates, sign up for flood warning updates  or call Agency’s floodline on 0845 988 1188.

Street flooding caused by overflowing drains should be reported to Sutton Council using the Report it feature on the council website or by telephone on 020 8770 5000.

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