Sunita Gordon, Marian James and Barry Lewis

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Sutton Council consults on changes to adult social services

by Sunita Gordon on 2 December, 2015

The council is consulting on changes by the Government to the new Care Act, which has introduced some options to the way people can be financially assessed and supported to pay for the adult social care and support they receive. The proposed changes are likely to affect people living in residential care or nursing homes, people who pay for their own care, carers, and those who receive social care services and are still living at home.

The 12-week consultation runs from now until 21 February 2016 through the council’s Sutton’s Future campaign, which was launched last year to involve residents in helping to make savings due to unprecedented government cuts.

Residents can have their say via the Sutton’s Future website by clicking There will also be eight daytime and evening public consultation events in Sutton, Wallington and Worcester Park between 18 and 28 January 2016 to enable residents to have their say and discuss the issues with officials

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