Sunita Gordon, Marian James and Barry Lewis

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Proposed parking strategy Wallington North

by Sunita Gordon on 9 February, 2019

For years residents have told us that parking is their number 1 concern, and over the last two years, we have been working to try to address this.

What was needed was to make the best use of the available parking space, keeping clear access to roads and drives, and giving priority to residents in their own streets. Officers then put together street by street proposals to address these concerns. We trust you have all responded to this consultation for your street. There is some useful information on the Council web site here.

We are now awaiting the results of this consultation, to see whether the proposals have support or whether any changes have to be made.

During the consultation, those who opposed the proposals spread a number of myths through social media.

  • It was said that residents parking schemes are just a way of the Council making money.  Not true: any new residents’ parking schemes will bring about extra costs as the Council employs more enforcement officers – the residents’ permits income will be needed to pay for this.
  • It was said that we will assume that those who did not respond are in favour of the proposals.  Not true: we have to assume either that they do not have a strong view either way or that despite our efforts they were not aware of the consultation.
  • It was said that the whole of Sutton will become a CPZ, etc.  Not true. As anyone who has looked at the proposals will see that here in Wallington a Parking Permit Area (PPA) is proposed. 

Having spoken to some residents they have asked us to feedback some of their views on the proposal to the council, which we have done. These being a1 hour restriction to be 2-3 p.m. Mon – Fri excluding Saturday. Permit zone to be restricted to the residents of a defined area.

We as your Liberal Democrat councillors want to work with residents on difficult issues to find solutions.

Where there is a clear consensus for the proposals to go ahead, there will then be further consultation on the revised proposals, probably in May/June. This is required by law.

If you have any questions please or other suggestions, please contact – or


2 Responses

  1. DAVID KING says:

    PARKING CONSULTATION I am a Sutton resident who has held an allotment for 40 years in Zone 3. I live in Zone 2 and drive to the allotment. Does this mean that if measures are bought in for Bute Road (2 schools) I will be restricted in going to the site ? As I live outside Zone 3 how will I know when I can have a say on this?

    • Barry says:

      Hello – big apologies for the delayed reponse. There are currently no plans for any restictions in Bute Rd.


      Barry Lewis

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