Sunita Gordon, Marian James and Barry Lewis

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Parking controls in Wallington North – close to Hackbridge Station

by Barry on 25 June, 2019

A parking permit area that which will operate between 1 pm and 3 pm Monday to Friday is going to formally proposed for the small block of roads in Wallington North close to Hackbridge Station where commuter parking is a problem. is due to be published early July

The roads in Wallington North where the PPA is proposed does suffer from commuter parking. Wandle Road in particular has limited off street parking and is particularly blighted. There is clear support for a PPA in this road. In the other public roads in the area the situation was a little less clear cut but the concern was that by implementing a PPA in Wandle Road the commuter parking would be displaced to the other roads.

We spent a lot of time communicating with residents to understand their views. The responses can be divided into three, those vehemently against, those passionately for and the group in the middle who when asked generally felt that if there was to be a PPA in one part of this group of roads then they would accept it probably made sense for the PPA to encompass the whole block.

We did listen very carefully to what those who were against said. Some said ‘there is no commuter parking it’s just residents with too many cars’; others said ‘it’s a sledgehammer to crack a nut’. To check on the commuter claim, we spent two early mornings from 6:30 am – 8:30 am doing a traffic count and estimated in that two hour period around 60 commuters drove into the block to park. If you take into account the handful of vehicles that would have arrived before 6:30 am and those that parked after 8:30 it is probable that between 80 and 100 non residents park in the area on a daily basis.

For a significant group of residents the PPA will be a life changer, more than one resident has said every time they left their house they were stressed as to if they would have somewhere to park on return. For most people having the PPA will have a marginally positive impact, the majority of houses have drives and cars are parked off road so will not need to purchase a permit and will benefit from not having commuter’s cars blocking up the road. There is a very small group of households with multiple vehicles (sometimes up to 6) that will be adversely affected.

The following roads are in the proposed PPA. Roads that are shown as ‘private’ will not be part of the PPA as it is the responsibility of these roads to manage their parking. It is probable that residents of private roads that are in the PPA will have the opportunity to purchase a permit.

Birchwood Avenue.

Centurion Court – private.

Elmwood Close.
Greenacre Place – private.

Herald Gardens – private.

Killburns Mill Close – private.

London Road.

Meadow Walk.

Wandle Road.

The PPA is also being proposed in the following roads and councillors are conscious that we have had less engagement with residents of these roads and we would welcome comments.

Caraway Place. Park Road. Prince Charles Way. Regal Crescent. Royal Walk.

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